This weeks sketch is a couple days late because of a teensy mistake at my webhost, taking down the site for a good portion of 24 hours.
Largely due to a minuscule bank balance, I didn’t do much outside of work the past week. Most of the students didn’t arrive back in town until the weekend, so it was still pretty quiet around the office. I was able to attend both of the USC Men’s Basketball games last week (another loss and then finally a Pac-10 win over the Fuskies).
Payday finally came on Tuesday and my checking account was quite happy to finally see some action. After work I drove over to the Beach Cities and picked up a birthday present for a friend. I haven’t been over to the Beach Cities since before I left for the holidays, and it was nice to get out of the neighborhood for a bit. It’s nice having the students back around the campus, I’d forgotten how odd it is to be around a campus when classes aren’t in session. (Though that also means a return to the loud parties going to 1am across the street from my apartment.)
I’ve got fun plans for the weekend, but I’ll wait until next Tuesday to tell you about them. 🙂