Tag: haiku
Oct 23 2006
one deep breath: yugen (mystery)
Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2006/10/one-deep-breath-yugen-mystery/
Oct 16 2006
another deep breath: simple pleasures
falling asleep
your head on my shoulder
rainy day movie
another simple pleasure
more simple pleasures at one deep breath
Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2006/10/another-deep-breath-simple-pleasures/
Oct 16 2006
one deep breath: simple pleasures
a rainy sunday
hiking to water falling
wet happy dogs
another simple pleasure
more simple pleasures at one deep breath
Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2006/10/one-deep-breath-simple-pleasures/
Oct 10 2006
one deep breath: countryside
Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2006/10/one-deep-breath-countryside/
Oct 03 2006
one deep breath: books
dreaming and loving
through ink sacrificed to page
worlds created
more sweet serenity (books) from one deep breath
Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2006/10/one-deep-breath-books/
Sep 26 2006
one deep breath: windows & doorways
television (a haiku)
our windowed world
brought to us on cable news
safely packaged
more windows & doorways from one deep breath
Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2006/09/one-deep-breath-windows-doorways/
Sep 19 2006
a “MadHaiku”
from MadHaiku:
Two more years…
a new flick about
the bush administration:
jackass number two
All I’ve got to say is wow…cuz really could you think of two more asinine things than another jackass movie and the bush administration.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2006/09/a-madhaiku/
Sep 17 2006
one deep breath: delicious autumn
Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2006/09/one-deep-breath-delicious-autumn/
Sep 04 2006
another deep breath: solitude
goodbye (a haiku)
in waves they crash, one
by one. into spring, summer
and me. without you
Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2006/09/another-deep-breath-solitude/
Sep 04 2006
one deep breath: solitude
solitude (a haiku)
for now he must sleep
alone. to be with and be
without winter’s warmth
Check out the one deep breath weekly particpants: Solitude
Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2006/09/one-deep-breath-solitude/