Category: life or something like it

Sketch 51

So I didn’t get around to writing a post last week while I was home in Oregon.  So this will be a brief post, basically just bullet pointing some things I’ll post more depth in my end of the year wrap up.

  • Drove home to Oregon over 2 days (stopping in Williams, CA)
  • Bought chains in Corning at Les Schwab (and stopped at the Olive Pit for good measure)
  • Roads were for the most part bare pavement throughout all the mountain areas of Northern California and Southern Oregon.
  • Eugene Santa Pub Crawl 2008
  • Reconnecting with old friends
  • Christmas
  • Cafe Yumm & Hawaiian Time
  • Performing a wedding
  • Drove back to LA in 1 day…bare pavement all the way (only a little bit of slush from Mt. Shasta City down to Shasta Lake).
  • Back to work on Monday (with a flat tire just as I left my apt to greet me, and a bus ride to work instead)

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Sketch 50

The year winds down, and so do the activities.  A couple of my friends left town for the holidays over the weekend.  So a few less partners in crime are around.  I’ve also been trying to be frugal in my spending to compensate for the unpaid week next week (gotta love temp work).

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about where I am in life.  How many of my friends, who are younger than me, seem to be much further along in life.  They’ve got good jobs that they love or graduate degrees.  They’ve got homes. Are married.  Heck, some are even divorced (not that it is a good thing).  But even then, they’ve experience marriage and the love that drove them to it in the first place.

It all seems so far away to me.

Its hard being 32 and not really having anything figured out.

I’m leaving for Oregon Friday, right after work.  It’ll be nice to be home for the week.  Catch up with some friends and family.  I’m taking two days to drive up, planning on stopping somewhere around Sacramento late Friday night and finishing up the drive on Saturday.  Saturday night is the annual Santa Pub Crawl in Eugene.  It’ll be a cold crawl this year as the temps are predicted to be below freezing, with possible snow showers.  No matter how cold it is, it’ll be a nice welcome home.

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Sketch 49

Not much going on the past week.  Because of the short work week at Thanksgiving, my paycheck was a little lighter last Friday.  So no new food adventures. (Though one food adventure was thwarted by being a day early before they were open to the general public).

I’ve got about half of my Xmas shopping done.  Just need to figure out something for a friend in Eugene, and the ‘rents.  Ok, maybe that is a little more than half done.

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Sketch 48

Ahh…the holiday season is now in full force.  My second Thanksgiving in LA.  This time I did have a meal a little closer to my families traditional Thanksgiving dinner.  I got a ham (just over 8 pounds), and made a couple recipes from my friend Nicole’s blog (Pinch My Salt).  Extra Creamy Mashed Potatoes (Recipe) and one mentioned on Nicole’s site, but actually from one of her food blogging friends, Stuffed Sweet Potatoes Wrapped in Proscutto (Recipe).  The food was all good, though I did end up having a lot of extra food.  One of my friends ended up being sick, so he wasn’t able to come over.  So it was just me and one other friend.  Oh well, I’ve turned the leftover ham into two soups so far, and have plans for a third soup for the last of the ham.  The Proscutto wrapped sweet potatoes were really good, as the saltiness of the proscutto really complented the sweetness of the potatoes.

I did unfortuntely miss out on going to the LA Auto Show.  I couldn’t find anyone who wanted to go with (well except for my friend who got sick).  So largely the extra long weekend was pretty lazy.  Lots of watching football, including a great Civil War victory by the Ducks, which likely will keep the Beavers out of the Rose Bowl.

I found out last Wednesday, that one of my best friends from Eugene is getting married, and pretty quickly as well, the wedding is at the end of December.  Monday night, he called and asked if I would perform the ceremony, so I fired up the internets and got ordained at  So this Dec 27th, I will perform my first marriage.  Wow.  Crazy.  It will be cool to be such an integral part of a special day in my friends life.

Tonight, I’ll be bottling my first batch of beer brewed in LA.  In a little over a week it’ll be carbonated and ready to drink.  I’d like to invest in a keg system sometime soon…bottling is such a pain.  Someday.

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Sketch 47

The biggest thing I did this past weekend was my trip to Phoenix.  Besides dinner at Pizzeria Bianco, it was a pretty low key visit.  I did go to church with my friend and her family on Sunday morning.  It was a non-denominational style church (though technically they have a denomination of some sort apparently).  The guy giving the sermon referenced the fast spreading coffee chain “Dutch Brothers” from Oregon.  He had gone there while in Oregon for a funeral.  He used the enthusiasm of the employees he encountered at Dutch Brothers as a good example of how we could be a “REP” for Jesus.  I found it a little amusing, because a bunch of my friends referred to the Dutch Brothers employees as “coffee tweakers” because they always seemed to be way hopped up on caffeine.  Other than that, I found the service mainly fluff, with little substance.  Basically, Jesus is cool and we are cool cuz we love Jesus.

Last night, a friend and I went and saw Spring Awakening at the Ahmanson Theatre here in LA.  It was the big musical winner at the 2007 Tony awards.  From wikipedia: “The musical is based on the controversial 1891 German play of the same title by Frank Wedekind. Set in late-nineteenth century Germany, it concerns teenagers who are discovering the inner and outer tumult of sexuality. The original play was banned in Germany due to its portrayal of masturbation, abortion, rape and suicide.”  I thought the musical was enjoyable, and it was nice to dress up and see a show.

I’m still not really sure what I’ll be doing for Thanksgiving.  Perhaps a smallish dinner at home with a friend or two.  Perhaps nothing.  Who knows.

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Sketch 46

Friday was the big opening of the new Bond movie.  I went with a group of about ten folks to the 8:30 showing at the Cinerama Dome at the ArcLight.  The movie was full of action, but in the end a little disappointing.  Unlike pretty much every other Bond movie, this movie was a sequel of the previous movie (Casino Royale).  The movie doesn’t really stand up on its own, unless you’ve seen Casino Royale, and that is a problem in my opinion.  A big let down after the promise of the direction of the franchise given by Casino Royale.

With the fires in the surrounding areas of LA, the air quality was pretty poor over the weekend.  I ended up staying inside watching football all day on Saturday.  The Ducks held on in their game, the Beavers rolled over Cal, and the Trojans pulled away in the second half against Stanford.  So good results all around for my friends and I.

I’ve got all the ingredients to make my first batch of beer in LA, but haven’t gotten around to brewing yet.  I do need to figure out where I’m going to put the carboy while it is fermenting though.  I’ll prolly move some stuff out of my tiny closet as my room is generally pretty cool.  I’m going to try and motivate myself to brew tonight.

I also need to figure out what, if anything, I’m doing for Thanksgiving since I am not going home.

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Sketch 45

It’s been a full week since last week’s sketch (at least its felt that way).  Thursday night, I went to a screening of the movie Slumdog Millionaire (Trailer) with a friend.  It is the story of a guy from the slums of Mumbai who has made it to the final question of the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.  I thought the movie was great.  Plus the screening was at the Fox Studios lot, which was kind of cool to see.

Saturday night, I went to a LA Kings game at the Staples Center.  The game was fun, and I got to watch it from my companies luxury suite.  It was my first time seeing an NHL game live and seeing anything at the Staples Center.  Though the evening wasn’t without problems…I just didn’t know about them until Sunday. (see my post about it)

Other good notes from the weekend:

  • I think the AT&T U-Verse technicians have finally fixed my connectivity issues on my TV and Internet services.
  • The Ducks managed to pull off a last minute drive to beat Stanford.

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The $130 piece of cake

Near the end of work last Friday, one of my co-workers sent out an email offering luxury suite tickets to the LA Kings hockey game Saturday night.  Since I haven’t yet been to an event at Staples Center (or an NHL game) and it was an opportunity to see a game from a luxury suite, I grabbed two of the tickets.

So on Saturday, a friend and I went to the game.  One of the perks (as described by one of my roommates) of the luxury suites, is the dessert cart that goes around to all the suites.  When it came around, I asked my friend if she wanted something, which she did.  A decent sized slice of a “S’Mores” Cake.  Prior to the game, I had stopped at an ATM to get some cash…just in case we wanted something from concessions.  Of course, since I was prepared with cash, the cart didn’t take cash…only cards.  So I gave the guy my debit card and he authorized it (and I signed) for $9.98.  A little spendy…but it was a decent sized slice of cake.  Anyway, the game went on…the Kings beat the St. Louis Blues 5-3…and I took my friend home.

Sunday night, I’m out checking out a different friends artwork at a gallery opening and I get a call from my credit union.  They are calling to check about possible fraudulent activity on my card.  There are two charges on my card for Saturday night from Levy Restaurants @ Staples Center.  One is the pre-authorization of $9.98…the other was a settled charge of $130.11.  I explain to the person on the phone that I had authorized $9.98, but not the $130.11.  They told me that since it was a merchant dispute, I’d have to contact the credit union during regular business hours to dispute it.  When I get home and look at the receipt (to see if there is any contact info)…the phone number listed is 310-XXX-XXXX.  Looking online, comes up empty as well (only a corporate office number in Chicago).

Monday morning, I call into the credit union as soon as they open at 8.30am.  I get told by the phone representative that I need to fill out a form and fax it in.  I do this, and call back about 45 minutes later to verify receipt of the fax and to see when a credit will be processed.  This second rep is not able to verify receipt of the fax (just that it wasn’t sitting on the fax machine) and tells me that it could take up to 5 business days to process a provisional credit.  I tell the rep that it is unacceptable and that I’d like to speak to someone higher up.  The rep transfers me to voice mail of the Manager of Central Operations “Tom” and I leave a message requesting a call back today.

Before lunch, I still haven’t heard back, so I call again and this time I’m transferred to the voice mail of Sylvia, apparently the only person that processes these disputes.  Again, I leave a message requesting a call back today.

I call back again after lunch, talk to a different phone rep, ask for a supervisor and again get transferred to Tom’s voice mail.  I leave a second message.

Having not heard anything yet, around 3pm I call again.  This time the phone rep tells me that I’ve filled out the wrong form.  I press the phone rep, “Are you sure this is the right form?” as she seemed a little unsure.  I even asked if I could speak with someone who would know for sure.  After a few “hmms,” she decides that I do have the right form and lets me know to fax it in (to a different fax number that goes straight to Sylvia).  I do this, requesting a phone call for confirmation upon receipt of the fax.

Having still not hearing anything, and business hours coming to an end, I call again around 4pm.  I end up getting the same phone rep that I had talked to around 3pm.  She informs me that actually she told me the wrong thing…and it is a yet a different from I need to fill out.  I ask to speak to a supervisor but am not transferred.  Instead she suggests that I fax this new from to both the Sylvia fax number and her supervisor (who might be able to issue a provisional credit).  Again, on the fax cover sheet I request a phone call confirming receipt and I also express my frustration with the service provided today, which is causing me to seriously consider finding a new credit union.

Of course I do not get a confirmation call.  So when I leave work, I call again.  This time the phone rep does confirm that the supervisor received the fax (though doesn’t confirm Sylvia received it).  By then the business day is almost over and I’m pretty much out of options for the day.

Later in the evening, I file a complaint about Levy Restaurants at Staples Center with the BBB.  I also write down my notes for a letter to the President/CEO of the credit union.  I decide to wait until Tuesday to actually write the letter though (because I was so frustrated Monday night).  Below the cut, I’ll paste the letter I submitted and his response.  As of now, besides his email response, the issue has not been resolved and I have not been contacted by anyone from credit union.

**update 3:59pm**
Just received a voice mail from the credit union.  They apologized for the issues and want me to call back.  So once I get out of work, I’ll call back and talk to them (I’ve got a direct number this time.  In the meantime…a provisional credit has been issued.  That credit will likely be reduced by the original amount authorized once Levy @ Staples responds…but whatever.

**update #2 5:10pm**
Talked to Sandy from the credit union.  Says part of the problem was a training issue and she’ll work on correcting that.  Apologized for the frustration they caused.  They’ll keep me up to date with any news from Levy @ Staples.

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Sketch 44

It has been an interesting week.  Of course the big happening of the last week was the election (if you couldn’t tell from my earlier posts today).  Over the weekend, I saw two shows by Ray LaMontagne (in San Diego and Los Angeles respectively), look for more on that in a future post though.  A friendship has changed (sadly).

I am hopeful this week though.  I’m still in disbelief in some ways about the election.  Both the fact that Obama was elected President, and that the state of California pass Prop 8, eliminating the right of marriage for same-sex partners.  I am hopeful though that eventually all of the citizens of California (and the US) will be treated equally when it comes to marriage.

I’ve been in my new apartment for about a month now.  I’m really happy there.  My roommates are great.  The only bad thing is I’m watching more TV now…but oh well.  I do want to get back to some more creative pursuits however.  I need to make that a goal this month.

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Thinking of home…

I’ve been homesick lately.  It is compounded by the uncertainty I have about whether or not I’ll be able to go home for Christmas as well.  The problem is, I started a job through a temp agency in August.  I was supposed to be on the normal 60 – 90 days temp-to-hire schedule.  However, a month and a half into the job, one of the executives I was assisting left the company.  A few weeks later, the other guy, decided his assistant needed more of a legal background.  So that assignment ended.  I was quickly reassigned to a new position in the company (only missing two days of work), but that also restarted my temp-to-hire schedule.  Which means, no holiday pay…no vacation pay (though that may not have happened anyway).

The company’s Holiday schedule for 2008 has Christmas Day and the day after for the “official” holiday days.

My sister (and her boyfriend) are going to be home the 20th – the morning of the 26th.  Airfare is already almost prohibitively expensive…even flying in and out of Portland.  If I have to work on the 24th…then my only option to get home in time to see my sister is to fly.

I’m thinking about seeing if I can take that entire week off.  But there is risk in that, as they could decide just to not have me back after that week.  Even if they said it was ok beforehand.

Anyway…one of a few things in my life that I wish was different.

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