Ryan Gillespie

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Author's posts

falling away…

So its been almost 10 months since I moved back to Oregon from LA.  A few weeks ago it had me thinking about the people I may never see again.  I know part of this is just the natural course of life, that people move into and out of your life.  But its still strange to me that there are people that I was pretty close to, that I may never see again because both they and I have moved away.  But then, I suppose this happens even in Portland.  The only difference being there is still a chance I might randomly run into them.

to my So Cal friends…if I don’t see you again…thank you for helping to make my time in LA enjoyable in each of your particular ways.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2013/01/falling-away/

Rory the Rhino

I’m super late writing about this cool project I received and completed in November.  In May, I found out about the Kickstarter campaign for Kinetic Creatures.  Kinetic Creatures are three different animals created out of cardboard that have the capability to “walk” either via a hand crank or a motor kit that was also available.  When one of these animals happened to be a rhino…I had to contribute (and receive my reward of one of the first kits).

As the Kickstarter campaign was meant to raise funds for larger (and cost effective) production, my kit didn’t arrive until mid October.  The packaging was nicely designed:

Kinetic Creatures - Rory

The first part I decided to put together was the motor kit:

Kinetic Creatures Motor Kit 1 Kinetic Creatures Motor Kit 2

Here is the kit put together (ready to go in Rory once he is put together):

Kinetic Creaturs Motor Kit

As for Rory…he came in pieces.  Unfortunately, I didn’t take a picture of the cardboard sheets before I punched them out.  But here is a picture of all of the pieces before I put them together:

Rory the Rhino

And here he is put together:

Rory the Rhino

Now that both the motor kit and Rory was put together, it was time to let him take a little walk around the apartment.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2013/01/rory-the-rhino/

Books I’ve Read in 2012

Total Pages Read: 12,271
Shortest Book: 96 pages
Longest Book: 576 pages
Fiction: 27
Non-Fiction: 6
Poetry: 3
Cookbook: 7

Last Book Read:
43.  Jagannath by Karin Tidbeck.  A collection of short stories from the Swedish writer translated by herself.  From the dark fantastical world that comes from living in rural northern Sweden.  142 pages.  (Finished 27 Dec 12).

Full List below the cut:

Past Lists:
2011 List
2010 List
2009 List
2008 List
2007 List

Continue reading

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2012/12/books-ive-read-in-2012/

Three Things To Remember

As long as you’re dancing, you can
     break the rules.
Sometimes breaking the rules is just
     extending the rules.

Sometimes there are no rules.

— Mary Oliver

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2012/11/three-things-to-remember/

Muscle Music

Terry Crews as a one man band…twitching his muscles to play the instruments:

Old Spice Muscle Music from Terry Crews on Vimeo. (If you can’t see the video click through to the post)

The initial video is crazy enough…but after it finishes…you can “play” Terry’s muscles with your keyboard.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2012/08/muscle-music/

Keep On Cooking

I had to repost this (via DJ Drue):

Julia Child remixed by melodysheep and PBSdigitalstudio

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2012/08/keep-on-cooking/

the weekend without a computer

So Friday morning my computer froze up and when I rebooted, it fell into a blue screen of death cycle. I tried the system repair tools, my recovery DVD, even an Ubuntu live DVD. Nothing would get all the way through the boot process. So I took it into a repair shop recommended by a friend to see if something was salvageable (since I’ve neglected updating my backup since the move). The repair guy ran a diagnostic on the hard drive and is pretty sure the data is ok, so that’s good news.  The bad news was that it didn’t appear to have a quick fix solution, so I would have to check it in for service which has 3 – 4 business day turnaround right now.

So with a weekend to kill and no computer I devoted my time to some projects in the kitchen.

After my normal Saturday morning trip to the Hollywood Farmers Market, I finally got around to making a batch of Kombucha with the kit I bought when I took a class on it a few months ago.


I was inspired to make a lemon cake in honor of my sad computer (and the novel The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake) while grocery shopping. It had also been a friends birthday on Friday, so I was also making it for her birthday as well.


The other main thing I did Saturday was get some photos taken of me by a friend (for better LinkedIn/FB profile pics).  Alicia and I both went and saw The Bourne Legacy at the same time (though her in LA and me in Portland).  It was enjoyable…a Bourne movie, nothing special, but a good time.

The weekend projects weren’t over though.  After getting home from church, I made a batch of salsa:


Then it was the big project…canning the 5 lbs of green beans I had bought at the farmers market Saturday.  I made them into Pickled Dilled Beans:


(the red thing in the jar is a slice of red bell pepper)

All in all, I feel like I had a pretty productive weekend.  🙂

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2012/08/the-weekend-without-a-computer/

Cut the World [Video]

Antony and the Johnsons – Cut the World.

Originally composed for Robert Wilson’s play “The Life and Death of Marina Abramović. (From Wikipedia: Abramović’s work explores the relationship between performer and audience, the limits of the body, and the possibilities of the mind.)

Haunting, melancholy, bleak to say the least.

Also beautiful (as Antony’s songs often are).

[From Gizmodo]

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2012/08/cut-the-world-video/

so this happened…

…I got engaged!


Last Wednesday, I flew down to LA to surprise Alicia with a visit.  I flew in during the day while she was at work and was at the apartment before she got home from work.  So when she came into the bedroom and I was there sitting on the bed…I got a nice scream out of her.  She was pretty excited though (once she started breathing again).

As for the engagement, I hadn’t really told anyone that I was thinking about doing it before the trip.  Partially because it was going to be a gut feeling kind of thing.  Do I do it now, do I wait until she’s moved up here to Portland or I have a job, those kind of thoughts.

Anyway, we had met up with one of my friends in downtown LA on Thursday and after we parted ways with my friend decided to take the new(ish) Expo Line to Culver City.  It was then when it popped into my head where/when to do it.  When we got to the USC stop, I said “Hey, lets get off here.” (at this point she is a little suspicious)  Then we walked towards where we had our first kiss (and she’s a lot more suspicious as we get closer).  When we got there, we kissed a couple times and I leaned in and whispered the question in her ear…and she said yes (phew!).

Afterwards, we walked back to the Expo Line and took it to Culver City as planned (going with the original idea to get some dessert).  In the end, we just walked around downtown Culver City and didn’t get dessert.

So yeah…that’s my big news of late.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2012/08/so-this-happened/

Grow Ideas in the Garden of Your Mind

a PBS collaboration with remix artist melodysheep:

PBS Digital Studios (via DJ Drue)

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2012/06/grow-ideas-in-the-garden-of-your-mind/