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- one deep breath: delicious autumn — 15 comments
- one deep breath: spices — 12 comments
- one deep breath: storms — 11 comments
- one deep breath: color(ful) — 11 comments
- one deep breath: breath — 10 comments
Dec 18 2006
A different kind of storm for my take on this weeks prompt from one deep breath. Saturday my grandmother had a stroke. As of now the doctors think she’ll be fine, but she’ll be in the hospital for at least a week for observation/recovery. When my dad and I visited with her Sunday afternoon, she recognized us and was able to ask us questions and follow the conversation. I’ll take that as a good sign.
a gust topples
the body without notice
My grandparents and I at my college graduation.
more stormy breaths from the poets at one deep breath
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Nov 28 2006
For as long as I can remember, my grandmother was afflicted with Parkinson’s disease. As her mind got worse, it was eventually necessary for her to live in a foster care home. This was back when I was in middle school. My grandfather at this time lived in a retirement home, because though he suffered from bone cancer and was wheelchair bound, he was largely self sufficient. My grandfather’s retirement home was directly across the street from the middle school I attended. Often, after school I would go and visit my grandfather. On occasion we would take the city bus across town to go and visit my grandmother. It was during these trips that I first understood what it meant to truly love someone.
her mind riddled
even love is obscured
but eyes remember
more breaths of legacy at one deep breath
the prose section of this haibun is inspired by a story i am working on for a site a good friend of mine is a part of. the site is called common ties and publishes (and pays for) personal stories in the mold of something you might hear on this american life or the storycorps project. i encourage you all to check out the site.
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Nov 22 2006
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Nov 16 2006
Overheard at a forum at Powell’s with Philip Gourevitch, Editor of the Paris Review:
“Every thing you’ve ever read is a gross reduction of reality”
-Philip Gourevitch
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Nov 16 2006
pale fingers of aspen
pin-pricked bubble of blood
after October leaves
chills seep into thoughts leaving
bare skin craving winter’s embrace
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Nov 15 2006
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Nov 09 2006
The “Pineapple Express” relentlessly attacks with warm rain. Rivers swell and overflow, taking with them trees, rocks and houses. The collective mood of the city becomes one of depressed slumber. All the while we are inundated with negative political ads. We wonder if we will ever regain hope. If things can really change. If our vote really matters.
rain falls with darkness
unapologetic to
the daylight it hides
Change does happen. Sometimes it sneaks up on us. Sometimes it is sudden and violent. Always afterwards we have a choice in how we respond. This election has brought us change. I hope and pray that this time we respond to that change in a better way.
more haibun from the poets at one deep breath
*haibun is a combination of brief prose and haiku.
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Nov 08 2006
Today I hope is a new beginning for the United States. Voters have made a loud and clear statement of unhappiness with the direction of our country. The balance of power has clearly shifted in the House of Representatives and currently looks to swing in the Senate as well. However, we will not know the results of the final Senate race for probably a month.
The results of the elections were good news in its own right. However even better news came this morning. Donald Rumsfeld is stepping down as the Secretary of Defense. Perhaps now, the military leaders can actually implement strategies that will help end the conflict in Iraq instead of inciting conflict.
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Oct 31 2006
continued from the previous entry…
After my hike on Friday afternoon, the rest of the weekend was filled with pretty much the same stuff. I did some reading, worked on a couple poems and reflected in silence. All the while keeping the monastic hours.
The monastic day officially starts at 4:15am with Vigils and ends at approximately 8pm with Compline. It was surprisingly easy to adjust to this schedule with the relaxed nature of the weekend. Despite getting up at 4am each day, I woke up refreshed.
I didn’t really come out of the weekend with any answers (though I didn’t really expect to either). I’m fairly certain that the trappist ideal is not a possible vocation for me. While I am perfectly comfortable in the silence, I think part of me needs to have a connection to the community at large. I identified one of the major reasons that it would be difficult for me to ever consider converting to the Roman Catholic church. It is my belief that mass should be shared with everyone, whether they of a different denomination or even if they aren’t Christians. If someone wants to come to the table, they should be able to participate fully.
I’ll definitely do something like this again, it was a great way to recharge.
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Oct 30 2006
grey skies hide this
reflection of myself
painted trees fall
in silent acknowledgment
of passionate love
empty union
too often mingles with
no one (thing)
to love: follow
blindly. give everything.
discover grace.
more unseen deep breaths at one deep breath.
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