Books I’ve Read in 2023…

Total Pages Read: 2,798
Shortest Book: 98
Longest Book: 385
Fiction: 5
Non-Fiction: 1
Cookbook: 6
Poetry: 1

Last Book Read:
13. Denial by Jon Raymond. The world has been reshaped by climate change in 2052, but it could have been much worse. 20 years before some of the most powerful executives and lobbyists were convicted of crimes against the environment. This novel follows the discovery of one of them that had escaped arrest and gone into hiding. 240 pages. (Finished 31 Dec 2023)

Past Lists:

2022 List2014 List
2021 List2013 List
2020 List2012 List
2019 List2011 List
2018 List2010 List
2017 List2009 List
2016 List2008 List
2015 List2007 List
  1. Cooking Solo: The Joy of Cooking for Yourself by Klancy Miller. 225 pages. (Finished 29 Jan 2023)
  2. Liberation Day: Stories by George Saunders. 256 pages. (Finished 29 Jan 2023)
  3. The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy. (The Passenger #1). 385 pages. (Finished 13 Apr 2023)
  4. Stella Maris by Cormac McCarthy. (The Passenger #2). 190 pages. (Finished 11 Sep 2023)
  5. Standing in the Forest of Being Alive by Katie Farris. 100 pages. (Finished 13 Sep 2023)
  6. Recipes for Adventure: Healthy, Hearty, and Homemade Backpacking Recipes by Chef Glenn McAllister. 98 pages. (Finished 10 Dec 2023)
  7. Recipes for Adventure II: The Best of Trail Bytes by Chef Glenn McAllister. 129 pages. (Finished 10 Dec 2023)
  8. Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders. 343 pages. (Finished 14 Dec 2023)
  9. Modern Pressure Cooking: The Comprehensive Guide to Stovetop and Electric Cookers, with over 200 Recipes by Catherine Phipps. 352 pages. (Finished 21 Dec 2023)
  10. Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner. 256 pages. (Finished 24 Dec 2023)
  11. Preserved: Condiments by Darra Goldstein, Cortney Burns, & Richard Martin. (Preserved Vol. 1) 112 pages. (Finished 31 Dec 2023)
  12. Preserved: Fruit by Darra Goldstein, Cortney Burns, & Richard Martin. (Preserved Vol. 2). 112 pages. (Finished 31 Dec 2023)
  13. Denial by Jon Raymond. The world has been reshaped by climate change in 2052, but it could have been much worse. 20 years before some of the most powerful executives and lobbyists were convicted of crimes against the environment. This novel follows the discovery of one of them that had escaped arrest and gone into hiding. 240 pages. (Finished 31 Dec 2023)

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