Things are beginning to fall into place for my time after Canterbury. I’ve found a new apt. I’ll be living with a cool girl who is my age and teaches yoga. I’m excited (and the main reason I went to see the place) because we won’t have a tv. The majority of ads I saw on craigslist all featured their tv’s and semi-large cable bills. I’ll be paying double rent for the second half of May, but it’ll totally be worth it. She seems really cool (at least from the one time we talked when I saw the place). So I’ll be moving in on May 15th. Time to start packing.
I also started training at Cafe Corsa as a barista last Friday. Its only part time, and I definitely need a second job quickly, but it is something. So far I’m enjoying it, I’ll be training through the end of next week and then I’m on my own. I’ll be working in the afternoon/evenings a few nights a week and Saturdays initially.