For work I traveled to Salt Lake City over the weekend for the annual gathering of college students in Province VIII (basically the west coast states + one state in). I was traveling with 5 students and my boss. While waiting for our flight to begin boarding, I noticed what would be my second celebrity (albeit B/C-list) siting since moving to Los Angeles.
Yes, Ron Jeremy was on our flight to Salt Lake City of all places. (Yeah, I know it may be hard to tell in this picture, but the short guy with long greasy hair is Ron Jeremy.) Later, I found out from one of the weeklys, that he was there to debate porn critic Michael Leahy at the local community college.
The rest of the weekend was pretty good, though a little bittersweet as well. The conference went pretty well, no major glitches. It was good to see my friends from throughout the province. But it was a little bittersweet, because it may have been my last gathering as well. After being involved with the gatherings for eleven years now, it may be time to take a break from this. I’ve been going back and forth on this, at one point in the weekend I was totally ready to continue on. But an interaction Saturday night pushed me back on the side of retiring from this ministry.
Nothing new to report on the job search. There hasn’t been much interesting on Craigslist in Santa Rosa. I’m starting to consider looking a little harder in Los Angeles as there are a few compelling reasons to stick around as well. I’m trying to have hope that things will work out, but the end the month is coming quickly and its really freaking me out.