Its the end of the month, and that inevitably means a late weekly post. Work of course has been incredibly busy, with the monthly MiX event and the upcoming Prov Gathering happening at the same time. I’m behind in my job search, which is to say, I’ve only applied for one job and never heard back. I’ve basically got a month to find a new job. Yikes!
Easter was ok. As I said in my last post, I didn’t really enjoy the Maundy Thursday service at Beverly Hills. I missed the Good Friday service at Beverly Hills, because I thought I had to work (which I found out I didn’t 3 hours after the Good Friday service). I ended up not going to one of the evening options for Good Friday, because I wasn’t feeling well after eating too much pizza while watching basketball in the afternoon. The Easter service was pretty good though. It was a little long for my sore back (I had pinched a nerve or something, somehow). After service, I drove out to Pasadena and met the Canterbury Group for Easter Brunch. So I at least got a Easter dinner of sorts as well.
I’m off to Salt Lake City for the annual Province VIII Gathering for Ministry in Higher Ed this weekend. It’ll be nice to get out of the smog of LA. It may even snow in Salt Lake City.