One of the things about blogging is that it can sometimes get you in trouble. Recently this has been in the news again with the firing of the writer of [Read the CNN Article]. This phenomena has even made it into internet slang as being “dooced” named from the website of one of the first publicized instances of this happening []
So what does this mean for this blog? Well for starters it makes me consider the things I post about (at least publicly). While this blog isn’t widely publicized, it wouldn’t be that hard for someone to find it if they wanted to. So there have been a few things that I’ve wanted to write about, however have refrained from posting them, because I’m not sure how someone down the road will read into them. Eventually, I hope to be able to protect some entries, allowing known people to access them (through a login and password). However the plugin for the blogging software I’m currently using does not quite have the functions I want yet. A pending version looks to be more of what I’m looking for. Until then, some of my entries will remain unpublished.